If you are participating in this challenge and post your work, please be sure to use the hashtag #ArtVsArt so people can follow along easily!
So You have been to my YouTube channel and want to challenge me, Eh? Alright! It's ON, like Donkey Kong!
Just write your name(or profile name from social media, whatever you want me to call you) and this message: "I challenge you, Double Art Angel in Art Versus Art". Fill in your email address( I promise you I will NOT spam you).
And send it to me, by clicking the "Send Message" button.
That's it! I will contact you with the rules and how we proceed ASAP! 
And "I Catch You in the next one" (If you don't find that familiar, watch my YouTube videos to the end, and I'm sure you will). Anyway, I'm rambling. I can't wait to duel with you!
Send Message
Thank you for your message to Double Art Angel, and Challenge Accepted! I'll be in touch!
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